Monday, January 26, 2015

East Coasters--stay safe

To my dear family and friends who live on the East Coast.

Stay safe. Another brutal storm headed your way. All the real nasty's of snow seem to hit the coastal regions this year and last, although, we in the Midwest, got our share last year, and I have the pictures to prove it.
If I get get back on my Chrome server, I'll show you. I'm on IE and am unable to post photographs on Yahoo for some reason., Just not sure about that reason.

So--soap box. Why is it that Chrome can enable the Blogspot bloggers to post photos and Internet Explorer isn't?  Huh? Huh? Why is that? It's frustrating.

Now, I'm going to get off IE, go to Chrome, enter into Chrome, get back INTO my blogspot and post my photos of last year's Midwest snow. Hope you're by a nice warm fire with a hot cup of anything while you enjoy them.

I'm off to the barn to love on my horse (Dixie) for a while. Then head to the gym to work out, then back home to spend the rest of my day trying to decide what I'm going to write about for the next year.

I'm thinking--women of the bible, women of the middle ages, another mystery, a horse story, finishing Legacy (something I probably will never do) and whatever direction my brain and imagination lead me.

God preserve you from the storms, may your creative juices flow, and may life take you in the direction you want and need to go.

Have a great day.


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